ELAN 4.5.0 Where is shortcut file?


I use ELAN on several machines and do not want to set up the shortcuts with each install. Is there a way to either export/import the shortcuts or copy a file?

I’m on Mac OS 10.8.3.

I looked for a file called “shortcuts.pfsx” and “short” and couldn’t find anything. I tried these:

find /ELAN/ -iname ‘pfsx’ -print
find /ELAN/ -iname ‘short’ -print

Can you tell me how I can share my modified shortcuts?


You can copy the shortcuts file.You can find the file here:

On Mac:
/Library/Preferences/ELAN/ shortcuts.pfsx (or) shortcuts1.pfsx

(Shortcuts1.pfsx is new format file. Both the formats can be read by Elan. But the latest versions of ELAN stores the modified shorts only in the new format)
