error message: cannot find Java 2 runtime environment

I’ve been using ELAN for a while, so far without problems. Now I’ve had to reconfigure windows XP on my laptop and consequently reinstall ELAN. Sometimes the programme started without problems, sometimes I got a message from the Virtual Machine Launcher that said ‘Cannot find Java 2 Runtime environment’.
Today I couldn’t open ELAN at all, the error message kept bliking up, I tried deinstalling ELAN and reinstalling it, but while the deinstalling worked, I cannot reinstall ELAN as I receive the very same error message afte the installation is completed. I also tried installing Java 6 on my laptop, but to no avail.
I’d be grateful for any help you can give me, let me know if you need more details on my problem.

Installing ELAN, as well as running ELAN, should normally work independently of any pre-installed Java environment. Once installed ELAN has its own Java runtime environment (in the directory “jre”).
It sounds like something is preventing the proper functioning of even this included Java runtime environment. I cannot explain this.
Do you now have a complete installation of ELAN, or could you install on another machine and then copy the whole ELAN folder to your laptop? And then try to launch ELAN by means of the .bat file (e.g. “elan_3_7_1.bat”) in the ELAN folder. Does this lead to the same error message?
