lexicon export

I am trying to export my lexicon from the interlinearization mode via the bottom left panel dropdown menu: Lexicon Actions > Save lexicon as… But I get the following error:

>>The lexicon is saved as: The lexicon could not be marshalled: null<<

The lexicon was saved before. The functionality is there, but I must have made some changes that prevent me from exporting the xml now. By the way: Where is the xml-file saved on my computer? It must save it somewhere as I can make changes which are restored when closing/reopening ELAN.

I am running ELAN 5.2 on Mac OSX 10.13.3

okay, I think, I solved the problem. I also found where the xml is saved on my MAC (Users/user/Library/Preferences/ELAN/LexanLexicons/*.xml). Is there some way to changes that location, for example into a dropbox folder? I want to work on it from two different computers.

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This location is at the moment hardcoded. Maybe this will become more flexible in the future, but at the moment there is no way around e.g. copying the files to and from the shared folder, clumsy as this may be.

Hello! I was wondering if there’s been any progress on being able to change the location where the lexicon is saved. I live very far from the person I work for, and would like a way to easily save the lexicon in our shared file system so that both of us can make changes without having to copy it every time.

I’m afraid there has been no change in that situation, the location of the lexicons is still fixed.
What we maybe can do, is to make it possible to set the location in a properties file (e.g elan.properties); there’s no opportunity to create a proper user interface for that anywhere soon.
I hope it is clear that even if that is made possible, there are still no facilities in place for safe, simultaneous lexicon editing.

Thanks for the update! We’re not so much interested in simultaneous editing as simply keeping the actual save file in a shared location, so a properties file sounds like it would be useful to us.