New tier from non-overlapping annotations with other ties

I can’t figure out how to create a new tier (x) from a tier (Y) where the criteria that only annotations that are not overlapping with a third tier, (Z) is carried over.

In this specific case, if this is of any help, I have two tiers that have gotten automatic annotations from the silence recogniser in PRAAT. One mike is a head mounted, the other is a more general zoom lying on the ground. The zoom is picking up both my informant and me, and the head mounted is almost only picking up my informant. The silence recognizer naturally makes annotations for utterances by my informant picked up by the general mike, but that’s not useful to me. I’d like to make a third tier (x) based on the general mike tier (Y) where it’s all the annotations from (X) except those that overlap with the head mounted, (Z).

I can’t figure out how to do this. Does someone know?

It sounds like you could achieve that by using the Tier->Create Annotation from Subtraction… function, where you could subtract Z (head mounted) from Y (general mike) (so in step 2 of that function in “Subtract from tier” select Y).


Hmm. that actually was tricker than it sounds, I’m not sure it’s working.