OS X ELAN Bug: popups remain upon loosing focus


This is a bug that has been around for a while, but I am currently experiencing it on Mac OS 10.7, Java 6, ELAN 4.2.

Basically if I have a popup on the screen (i.e. hover over an annotation, search result etc) and I switch applications using the key combo command-tab (or other key-combos that switch applications), the pop-up remains on screen, after ELAN looses focus.

This wouldn’t ordinarily be a problem, except that the popup is layered above all other applications (even the screen saver!). Clicking on the popup pulls focus back to ELAN.



This problem only occurs in mac. Its more a java-mac problem. I know it is inconvenient, but sorry we cannot do much about it.


Oh well. I guess I’ll just turn tooltips off. I can see now that, yes, it happens with all java apps on a Mac.

Thanks anyway,