problems installing ELAN

I found Elan last year and began studying this amazing tool. I use it to transcribe recorded interviews. Strangely, it seems there are very few open source (especially cross-platform) tools exist that can do this. I’ve recommended ELAN to colleges around the world.

ELAN installs in Windows very easily. But in Linux Mint 18, I had quite a bit of trouble install it successfully.

To install ELAN, I used these commands

sudo chmod +x ELAN_4-9-4_linux.bin

sudo ./ELAN_4-9-4_linux.bin

The installer began to run and installed ELAN in /ROOT (why does it put ELAN in root rather than in OPT or USR/SHARED?)

I then have to go to the directory /root/ELAN_4.9.4 and click on ELAN_4-9-4_linux.bin to run it. ELAN then starts and operates normally.

But there is no link to ELAN on my desktop or start menu. I tried creating a desktop launcher, but was unable to do so. I right-clicked on the desktop, selected “create launcher” and then in COMMAND, tried to point to
/root/ELAN_4.9.4 but permission is denied.

How can I create a launcher?

Also, please try to get Elan included in the Debian and MINT repositories. This would greatly facilitate the installation of Elan and introduce it to more users.

We are currently too understaffed to be able to put real efforts into the Linux distribution. But as far as I know (tested on Ubuntu) the installer on Linux works similar to the Windows installer: it starts a “wizard style” window that allows the user to specify where to install and where to create a link (if any). The default location for installation used to be (and still is I think) the user’s home folder.
So, I can’t really comment on your experience; if you say the installer began to run, I would guess you would get into this multiple step process in which you can specify where to install etc.?


@Waxy, I think that the problem is that you are running ELAN (installer) with sudo.
By using it with sudo, you are using ELAN as the root user.

Because of this you get permission denied error when trying to access the file with your regular user, it doesn’t have the rights to that file.